Boy Meets Geek Read online

Page 8

  “This is so wrong,” I sighed. I was so distracted that I fell out of character. “I’ve never done this before.”

  He pulled back and looked at me, a grin on his face. “Never?”

  “Well, it was never really my thing. I always thought it was sort of…”

  “Silly? Stupid? Ridiculous when you could go out and get it in the real world?”

  I bit my lip, blushed, and nodded. “Pretty much all of the above.”

  He leaned in closer, though it was obvious we were both having an out of character conversation at this point. I was just breaking all sorts of my personal role-playing rules tonight.

  “Do you want to know a secret?”

  “What?” I breathed.

  “I’ve never done this either,” he said. “Never even considered it. You’re just so goddamn…”

  And he leaned forward and kissed me. It was a hungry kiss. Insistent. I felt his body pressing against mine and it was all I could do to hang on as a roller coaster of emotions washed over me. I was a bundle of sensations. The warm water surrounding us, his body towering over mine, feeling him pressing against me like that, the naughtiness of doing something I’d never done before, that I swore I’d never do under any circumstances, and yet it still felt so right with him. I let it all wash over me.

  I felt a hunger, a lust, an urgency that was surprising. It was more intense than anything I’d felt in the real world, and this was something that was just happening in a video game! I couldn’t believe I was doing it, but I tugged at his shirt, pulled it up revealing his rippling muscles underneath.

  And as I sat in my chair hunched over the computer looking at his avatar on screen I couldn’t help but think back to the picture I’d seen on his Elassa account. I imagined his rippling muscles looming over me in the real world. Pressing against me. God it was so fucking hot!

  He growled and pressed into me, his growl vibrating down my throat even as his tongue explored my mouth. As I arched my back and pressed myself against him, loving the feel of my sensitive nipples brushing against his bare chest.

  We pulled away from the kiss and I didn’t know what to do. I was unsure of myself, so inexperienced never having done anything like this, but knowing that it was so right. Knowing that this was something I definitely wanted.

  I reached down and started fumbling at his belt. He grinned that cocky confident grin and then he was looking at my own clothes. Yanking at dress and ripping it down, pulling at the armor underneath, one of those ridiculous bikini armor pieces that I always wore a more appropriate role-playing dress over. And yet I always liked having that particular set of armor on my character. I’d made sure to have that particularly scandalous set of armor on my character tonight because something in my subconscious knew something like this was going to happen.

  And I realized that my subconscious knew it and wanted this to happen even as my conscious mind was being washed away by waves of pleasure, by waves of pure emotion, by the unstoppable wave of masculinity that was this incredible man.

  We must’ve gotten each other out of our clothes in record time. He was a man possessed. He was a man who was taking what he wanted, and I was a woman who wanted him to take what he wanted. I felt his manhood press up against my pussy and then he was pressing forward. Moving inside me.

  I threw my head back, allowed my wet hair to fall against the rocks with a slap, and gasped quietly as he pressed up inside me. It was so fucking incredible! His hands reached out and grasped my own as he continued pressing inside. My breath came in short gasps, his own breath came in ragged gasps as a he looked down at me with a hunger that was mixed with something else. A loving expression.

  I blinked at my keyboard. He described it exactly like that. He described his character looking at me with a loving expression. Did that mean… Could that possibly? I shook my head. No, I wasn’t going to read anything into that. Things were going fast, but I had only known this guy for a few weeks. Besides, he was probably caught up in the moment, and I wasn’t going to hold him accountable for things he said when he was caught up in a passionate moment like this, no matter how much I wanted those words to be true.

  I leaned forward and I got back into the game.

  He leaned forward and pressed one last time, let out one final grunt that turned to a roar as he buried himself inside me. His hulking body over my petite frame was so incredibly sexy. He was completely dominating me. I looked up from his rugged stubble down to his broad chest with its wispy hair, down to his perfect abs, down to between his legs and that the spot where his cock was buried to the hilt where our bodies came together in a forbidden embrace.

  An embrace that was forbidden by my own rules of role-playing. An embrace that was forbidden by the terms of service in Tales of Elassa even though it’s not like they could stop that sort of thing from happening since there were so many people playing the game, an embrace that was forbidden in the world of Elassa because he was a human and I was an elf, and yet the naughty combination of all of those taboos being shattered at the same time was so incredibly hot that it had me over the edge.

  I moved my hand down and started running it up and down my pussy as he started pulling out and slamming inside me in-game. I was so hot. I felt the hair standing up on the back of my neck, I felt my nipples pressing out towards the computer monitor. I felt my pussy getting so wet as I ran a finger up and down, as I felt small sparks going through my body outside the game world as explosions were running through my body in the game world.

  I really hoped Samantha didn’t decide to come home from the bar any time soon.

  His thrusting grew more erratic. This was going fast, but that was just fine with me because I was so damn close. With a final grunt and a roar he buried himself inside me and then he was exploding. That was enough to send my character over the edge, squeezing her eyes shut and screaming as impossible waves of pleasure crashed over her body even as water crashed over her body from the force of us fucking.

  Of course the explosion my character was feeling were nothing compared to the explosions that were going off in my computer chair. I was breathing heavily, crying out. I pressed my fingers against my pussy, not even inside my shorts, and then it was happening. I was shuddering, my entire body felt like it was on fire as explosions of tingly pleasure shot off all through me. I felt an impossible warmth spreading through my stomach, I felt and impossible pleasure between my legs. I had to grip my chair with my free hand as I rode out that wave of orgasmic pleasure.

  Holy shit! This was more intense than anything I’d felt with a guy before, and I wasn’t even technically with a guy! This was just characters on a screen!

  And yet it was so fucking hot. It was going straight to the pleasure centers of my brain. It was short-circuiting every other part of my body, it was short-circuiting every bit of conscious thought I had. All I could think about was this incredible man who’d gone from a stranger in an inn to a confidant, someone I felt I could trust, to a lover in almost every sense of the word, and in such a short amount of time.

  And the end result is I was sitting in my computer chair with my hand buried between my legs, not even touching myself directly, feeling the most intense orgasm of my life exploding over me. I was seeing stars. I was seeing double. My monitor seemed to split in front of my vision for a moment and then everything was blurred as I concentrated on that amazing pleasure.

  Then it was over. I was coming down and still breathing heavily. I looked to the screen where I saw a couple of messages waiting for me. I blushed as I realized he probably knew exactly what I was doing.

  “You there?”


  “Seems like someone’s having a good time over there! ;)”

  I smiled and typed out a response. A one handed response. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Oh I think all the spelling errors you’re suddenly making tells me everything I need to know baby,” he said.

  I blushed. Damn it. Of all the ti
mes to throw proofreading out! “You’re very cocky.”

  “And I think you love it that way.”

  I bit my lip. He was absolutely right. He was cocky, arrogant, and sort of full of himself. And yet if he really looked the way he did in his picture, as good as he was at writing, I could understand why he was so cocky and confident. And it made me wonder why he’d be interested in a girl like me, but I pushed that thought down. That wasn’t something I was going to get into now. Not with that wonderful experience we just shared.

  “So is there any point in finishing the dungeon?” I asked.

  “Up to you,” he said. “I hear there’s some sweet gear at the end, and that fight with Whitebeard is supposed to be pretty gnarly!”

  I grinned. “And here I thought you were just taking me down here to get me all alone,” I said.

  “Well I was,” he said. “But this also happens to be one of my favorite dungeons. Also happens to be one of my favorite stories from Elassa.”

  “Me too!” I said.

  I couldn’t believe he knew about that story. Most people didn’t. It was from a short story that most people never gave a chance because it was a short when they felt like Sean Taylor should have been working on the next novel in the series, but as far as I was concerned they could all take their opinions and go to hell. Anything that man wrote was genius in my opinion.

  “Really? You like it? Most people hate that story!”

  “Anyone who hates an author for giving them something because they want something bigger is a selfish asshole in my opinion!” I said.

  “I feel the same way,” he said. “Though I can’t really say that.”

  “Why not? Just lay into people on Amazon or something!” I know I do from time to time when I’m pissed off.”

  “I wish, but I can’t. Trust me on this one,” he said.

  “Whatever. Yelling at people on the Internet is half the fun of being on the Internet!”

  “Uh-huh. So we’re finishing the dungeon?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me!”

  “Can you give me maybe five minutes?”

  I smiled as I realized exactly why he probably needed five minutes after that intense session. Hell, I felt like I needed a breather as well. Maybe some time to go back to my room and change my panties. My current pair were thoroughly soaked through and that was going to get uncomfortable here in a few minutes.

  “Sure,” I said. “I could do with taking five.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he said.

  There was nothing quite as intense as what we experienced after that encounter. We still flirted hot and heavy though, and something had changed between us. Changed for the better. We chatted, but underneath all the flirtation there was something else. There was a warmth that seemed to have settled into the pit of my stomach. There was the knowledge that he wanted me. That he’d seen something he wanted and took it, and it had been so fucking hot! I’d never really been attracted to the bad boy stereotype before, but there was something about this guy that had me going wild in the best possible way.

  And so we ended up staying awake until nearly twp in the morning chatting with each other and having a good time, visiting some of our favorite dungeons in the older parts of the game and going on what turned out to be one of the best dates ever, even if it was just in a videogame.

  It was crazy, but I was starting to fall for my digital lover. That thought terrified me even as it filled me with warm fuzzies.

  10: IRL?

  It seemed like a rule of the universe. Something incredible happened between me and Conlan and then he disappeared for several days. Once again I found myself obsessively checking my phone whether I was in class or at work. Once again I was leaving Elassa chat up on my work computer and my home computer. I was constantly refreshing my friends list to see when he was last online. And every time the last time he was online ended up being the last time we chatted. The time we had that magical night where I’d let things go perhaps a little too far, but it’d been so wonderful that I didn’t care.

  And then nothing. No contact whatsoever. No word from him, no messages, not even anything from his email even though he had mine thanks to me sending him my manuscript.

  I told myself he was busy with work and he’d get in touch with me when he could. And yet there was still that gnawing sense of doubt, that worst-case scenario voice in the back of my head telling me there was no way a guy like that could possibly be interested in me long-term.

  That voice grew more insistent as the week wore on with no contact. Almost to the point that it was screaming at me that I’d been ridiculous for thinking anything like a romance could blossom in a fucking video game of all things. He probably just told me what I wanted to hear, blowing smoke up my ass until he got what he wanted, and I’d played right into his hands.

  It was a real pain in the ass having a brain that automatically jumped to the worst-case scenario no matter what the scenario happened to be, but it was something I’d learned to live with.

  Needless to say after a week of stewing in that worst-case scenario mindset I was pleasantly surprised one evening when I was sitting at an inn in the middle of nowhere and I saw him come online.

  My hands were immediately on the keyboard without thinking. And immediately I forced myself to sit still. Forced myself to not say anything.

  No, I wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move. I knew it was petty, especially considering he was probably just busy with work, but there it was. I couldn’t help myself. I was just a little irritated that I’d been left waiting for so long.

  My chat window started blinking. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I saw that blink. So familiar, something I’d seen countless times since I started playing Tales of Elassa, and yet it was something that made my stomach twist ever since I’d met this man.

  It was hard not to reach up and click that notification immediately, but I was still feeling annoyed. I knew it was irrational, I knew it wasn’t exactly fair to him, but I couldn’t help myself. I felt abandoned and annoyed at the crazy roller coaster of emotion I’d been on waiting for him to come back online. I knew objectively that was mostly my issue, that was mostly me and my tendency to read a worst-case scenario into absolutely everything, but I couldn’t help the way I felt.

  My chat window dinged again. Another private message.

  “Are you going to answer that thing?” Samantha asked.

  I looked over my shoulder and she pulled her headphones off. I didn’t realize my speakers were that loud. Loud enough for her to hear through her expensive gaming headphones, at least. I blushed and muttered an apology as I turned back to my computer. As I reached up and clicked on that message.



  “Are you there?”

  “Is something wrong? Did I do something?”

  I went from anger and annoyance to guilt in an instant. Like I said, a roller coaster of emotions. He was excited to see me and I’d been ignoring him. Obviously I’d pushed him into his own worst-case scenario when he saw me online and I didn’t answer him right away. And yet I was also still a little irritated that he just expected me to answer him right away. That he expected me to jump when he decided he had time for me.

  I knew it wasn’t an entirely fair thought, but I never said my mind was entirely rational. If I was completely rational then I never would’ve done something crazy like fall for a guy that I only knew through a videogame in the first place!

  Okay, that was enough guilt. Time to let him know I was here.

  “Sorry,” I typed. “I was away from my computer.”

  “Good! I was hoping I’d catch you online today!” he said.

  I arched an eyebrow. He was certainly very excited to see me online. And his excitement was feeding back into me. It was making all the worries I’d had over the past week about him not wanting to see me anymore melt away.

  “Really? Why?”

  “Well I’m actually k
ind of excited and kind of nervous about what I’m about to ask…”

  Now I was really curious. He goes away for a week, probably busy with work or whatever, and when he comes back he has something to ask me that has him nervous? Color me intrigued.

  “You have my attention,” I said. “Go ahead…”

  “I want to meet you.”

  I blinked. That’s what he was so worked up about? That’s what had him hesitant to talk to me? That wasn’t a big deal! I almost wanted to laugh. Men could be so ridiculous sometimes.

  “Well that’s not a problem!”

  “Really? I didn’t expect you to say yes so quickly!”

  “Sure! Where do you want to meet? One of the dungeons? One of the inns? We could go and hang out in one of the elf zones, get away from human territory for a while if you’d like,” I said. “I’m getting kind of tired of human territory anyways.”

  There was a pause. A definite hesitation. Something about that hesitation told me I’d just said something wrong. What could I possibly…


  No. He couldn’t possibly mean…

  “I didn’t mean meet in game,” he said.

  Well yes, it looked like he certainly could mean that. I blinked. He wanted to meet me? We’d only known each other for a couple of weeks. Sure it had been a whirlwind couple of weeks, but I was still hesitant.

  It’s not like I’d never met people I knew from the Internet. Sure there were crazies out there, but we lived in a world where most dating started online and most of the moral panic about ax-murdering Internet predators had died down, and yet something about this whole situation, something about how he was jumping to meeting me in person so quickly, gave me pause. It had me wondering once more if this was all a setup for something sinister. It had at the worst-case scenario part of my brain kicking into overdrive almost immediately.

  I hated it. I’m pretty sure the creative side of my brain that came up with all of my favorite stories, that helped me when I was writing my novel, was also the part that went into gear when I was spinning out a worst-case scenario. It was both a blessing and a curse being creative like that.