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Boy Meets Geek Page 7

  Sitting in front of my computer I smiled to myself. I looked at that familiar spot. Just around the corner was an ambush spot where a bunch of bad guys would come in and try to kill us, followed by a boss encounter.

  The encounter took place on a bridge over a raging river, and the trick to this particular boss encounter was that the only winning move was not to play. Players were supposed to kill the lackeys, get their asses handed to them by the big guy, and then decide that jumping off of the bridge into the raging underground river was preferable to dying. There was no way to kill this particular boss at this stage of the dungeon.

  I’d read stories of people discovering this dungeon for the first time back when the game was new who thought they were doing something wrong, or who thought something was broken because they kept dying over and over on what was supposed to be an easy low-level encounter. It was a ridiculously devious bit of programming on the game designers’ part giving that easy low-level boss immortality at the first meeting.

  It was also something that made this one of my favorite dungeons. Most people liked it just because jumping in the water and going on that wild ride was fun, but I liked it because it was such a rich storytelling element. It was so much better than some of the crap they had players doing today as far as dungeon encounters went. At least from what I’d seen watching high-level encounters that Samantha went on. Go in, kill a boss, move to the next spot on the treadmill.

  No, this encounter had some class to it from a time when the game designers actually cared about delivering a story along with the dungeon.

  “What’s up ahead?”

  “Just a bridge over a river that runs through these caves and eventually out to a hidden part of the cove,” Conlan said. “But we need to be careful. It would be a good spot for an ambush.”

  I rolled my eyes. He was alluding to game elements in his role-playing dialogue. Though I could forgive him for being distracted on this one occasion. Something told me from the way we’d been role-playing earlier that he had other things on his mind than going through this dungeon.

  “Fine,” I said. I summoned a fireball and set it to dancing across my fingers. “Let’s go.”

  I strode confidently out onto the bridge. It was a surprisingly well put together for a bridge going over an underground river in a known a pirate den. It was wide. Wide enough to accommodate several men, and it looked sturdy as though someone had maintained it over the years. Then again, the pirates who ran this place were so rich from their ill-gotten gains that it shouldn’t surprise me that they had money for the thieving equivalent of a public works project.

  I felt a delicious warmth come up behind me. I felt an arm wrap around me, press against my skin where it was exposed down at my stomach. I closed my eyes and took in a sharp breath as I felt Conlan pressing against my body, and then my eyes opened wide as I felt something pressing against me from behind. As I felt his cock pressing against my ass. Without thinking I pressed myself back against him. Pressed myself back against a human!

  I leaned back from my keyboard. I couldn’t believe it. Here I was deep in a dungeon having what had, up until this point, been a mostly innocent but flirtatious role-playing session and now it had taken a turn into a decidedly sexy territory that I’d a sort of expected, but was still surprising now that it was happening.

  And rather than stopping him, rather than telling him that wasn’t the sort of role-playing I was into, I was responding! My character was acting like a regular common whore, and acting that way was causing my pussy to tingle. If I kept this up for much longer then I was going to be running this dungeon one-handed, if you catch my meaning.

  Back to the dungeon.

  I came to my senses and tried to pull away from this human. Who did he think he was, laying his hands on me? I was a high elf priestess! He should be dead for daring to touch me!

  Only when I tried to pull away from him his grip tightened, he pulled me back against him. And I found myself moaning against my will even as I was pulled against him, also against my will. And yet there was something so incredibly arousing by the way this rough human was just taking me, the way I felt him rubbing against me taking his pleasure from me.

  I might be acting scandalized, but there was no denying the way this was making me feel. There was no denying the way my pulse was picking up, the way a flush was running down my body, the way I felt lightheaded, the way my body was tingling from head to toe as this ruffian had his way with me. God it was so hot!

  Before I realized what I was doing I’d leaned my head back on his shoulder and I was moaning. That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed, as though he needed any encouragement at all considering how forward he was being! Considering how forward I was being, for that matter.

  His lips descended on my neck and I moved it to the side, allowed him better access as his hands started to explore. One hand ran down to explore in between my legs and I felt myself going weak between the knees as his rough, powerful, and yet oh so tender hands made contact with that spot between my legs. As he started rubbing through my dress.

  His other hand moved up and he was cupping my breasts through my top. He moved one hand up and traced along my cleavage, along the top of my tits which were heaving at the contact. I was lost in a world of pleasure. I was lost in a world of arousal. I was lost in a world that was his strong, hot, sweaty body pressing against me from behind and taking what he wanted. Even though I knew this went against every role-playing principle I believed in, that I shouldn’t be doing it.

  And yet that was adding to the turn on.

  I was lost in the incredible feeling, in the sound of his lips running against my neck, nibbling on one of my pointed ears, his hands exploring my body as his cock, a massive monster if what I was feeling was any indication, rubbed against my ass. As this massive human took my petite body and made it is. Giving over to him, giving myself to him completely, allowing him to take control, take what he wanted, was so wrong and yet it was so fucking hot!

  Remember what I said about a one-handed gaming session? Well one of my hands moved down in between my legs. Started running up and down my pussy which was so wet. I was so incredibly turned on. I stroked myself as this scenario played out on screen.

  Only I heard something that pulled me away from that one-handed gaming session. That pulled my character’s attention away from that incredible pleasure coursing through her body. Shouting. I knew that sound from the many times I’d been through this dungeon.

  One of us had stepped forward just enough to trigger the in-game event. Damn it!

  The yelling grew louder. And then some rough men rounded the corner, men carrying nasty looking weapons. Men who had murder in their eyes, and when they looked at me they had more than that in their eyes. The way they looked at me promised nothing good for me if they managed to capture us.

  Once more I was surprised at the speed with which Conlan moved. One moment he was using me as his plaything, I was a rag doll that was completely in his thrall, and the next moment he was charging forward and pushing me to the side with his sword drawn.

  I stood there for a moment, my breasts heaving and my breath coming in ragged gasps as I recovered from the incredible feelings he’d sent coursing through my body. As I took stock of the reality of the situation. We were under attack!

  I smiled. I might be losing control when it came to my delectable human, but rampaging pirates were definitely something I could handle. I held up my hand and a ball of fire materialized in the air above one as a ball of ice materialized above the other.

  Before Conlan even reached the pirates a fireball flashed out and took one. He fell over, screaming, the fire consuming his body. Meanwhile, back in the real world, I almost laughed as one of the mobs went down for the count. I was such a high level, I was so powerful, that all it took was one hit from one of my spells for them to go down.

  The ball of ice slammed into another one and his entire body turned to ice before shattering. On
screen it was a far less dramatic than what I described in the chat window. He was covered in a white ice animation before that exploded away and then he fell to the ground just like every other death animation for the bad guys in this particular dungeon. Still, in my imagination it was far more dramatic. Everything about this game was far more dramatic in my imagination, including the way Conlan charged forward to save his elf priestess.

  His sword took a pirate through the gut and cut down another as I roasted another with a fireball. And then, just as quickly as it had started, it was over. There were five men dead on the ground and I was heaving from the exertion. I was shaking, and for a completely different reason than the shaking I felt when Conlan was pressing against me.

  He turned to smile at me and I saw something flash behind him.

  “Watch out!”

  That warning was enough for Conlan to go diving just in time to miss the flash of smoke and retort from the primitive gunpowder weapon the pirate who’d been hiding in the caves was carrying. He stepped forward. He sported a long beard that had been braided and held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. He regarded both of us with open disdain. My breath caught as I saw him. As I noticed the distinctive white braided hair that ran down the middle of his otherwise black beard.

  “Whitebeard,” I breathed.

  The pirate flashed forward and Conlan met him with a clang of swords. I wanted to do something, I wanted to try and save him, but they were so close together that there wasn’t anything I could do. Any fireball, any ice magic I used ran as much risk of hitting Conlan as it did white beard.

  And of course the real reason I couldn’t do anything was because the game programmers had programmed the encounter to make Whitebeard effectively immortal. I could be the most powerful player on this server with the best gear possible and I still wouldn’t be able to take this guy out without cheating. He was immortal until the end of the dungeon, at which point his plot armor dropped and I could easily one shot him.

  Conlan turned to me and for the first time since I’d met him at the entrance to the cave there was something new on his face. Something other than the cocky arrogance I’d come to expect. Something different, something strange, something very disquieting.


  “Maia! Jump!”

  I glanced over the edge of the bridge and then back to him. I hoped the incredulous look on my face communicated just how ridiculous I thought that idea was. His sword flashed as he parried a thrust from Whitebeard. He landed a hit on the pirate who was thrown off balance for a moment, but then, almost supernaturally fast as though he was gifted by an algorithm that was meant to make him impossible to defeat, he hopped back up and was advancing on Conlan again.

  There was an unpleasant smile on the pirate’s face. He glanced to me and that smile grew even wider, revealing several missing teeth. Which was a huge improvement over the teeth that had turned yellow or even black. Either way, it was an unpleasant smile that promised very unpleasant things for me.

  Conlan turned to me again. “Maia! You need to jump!”

  Only I stood there with a fireball at the ready. Waiting for a moment when I could get a good shot at the pirate. I was confident that no matter what his skill, if Conlan would just step back long enough for me to get in a good shot then this seemingly immortal pirate would quickly find it a lot harder to dodge a giant fireball than to dodge Conlan’s steel.

  Of course the real world me knew I was just posturing, but one of the principles of the role-playing community, at least the role-playing community I associated with, was that you didn’t mix out-of-game knowledge with in-game knowledge.

  Back in the game Conlan let out a growl of frustration and knocked Whitebeard down again. The pirate went sprawling, and this time he fell back far enough that while he was scrambling up Conlan was able to run across the bridge. He scooped me up in his arms and the fireball I’d been preparing, that had been crackling oh so delightfully over my fingers, winked out of existence, as he picked me up like I was a sack of potatoes and then we both were flying over the edge of the bridge. We were both doused in water. I felt myself go under and wondered if I would survive this, but I had the comfort of his arms wrapped around me. The comfort of his hard cock pressed against me as he held me against him, as we were carried along by the current. Carried far from the bridge where Whitebeard stood shouting at us.

  I realized that as long as I was in his arms I didn’t care what happened to us.

  9: Pixelated Passion

  I blinked as my character landed in the water and then a thrilling animation of her being pulled along underground tunnels started up. At least that animation had been thrilling when it was new a couple of years ago when the game was new. Now that I’d seen it the hundreds of times I’d been in here on my own, now that technology had marched on and there were far more impressive games, graphically speaking, on the market, the animation just gave me some much-needed breathing space to sit back in my chair and wonder how far I was going to let this go.

  It was insane, but this man had a way with prose that set me on fire in a way that I hadn’t felt in awhile. That I hadn’t felt since my last boyfriend, a fellow creative writing major, and let’s just say his prose hadn’t been enough to get me this hot and bothered.

  There was also the little problem of me breaking my rule about sexy times in a role-playing scenario. That used to be one of my hard and fast rules, but now there was a small voice in the back of my head whispering that it wasn’t a big deal. That this was just a game, after all. It was just a little role-playing session that was getting hot and heavy in a way my role-playing sessions never did, but was that really a big deal?

  Was it really a big deal? I was just violating every principle I held dear when it came to this sort of thing. I knew people who enjoyed this sort of role-play, but I wasn’t that kind of person. Except now that I was in the moment, now that I was being honest with myself, it seemed like I was that kind of person. I’d always looked down on the people who did this sort of role-playing, and yet now I was becoming the sort of person who did this sort of role-playing.

  It was all his fault. It was because he was so great at crafting a story. It was because he had a way of turning a phrase that could make a girl weak in the knees.

  And really, what was the harm? This really was just like reading a dirty story. Except it was a dirty story I was helping to write. It was a dirty story I was working on with my co-author who happened to bear more than a striking resemblance to his sexy character if his Elassa profile picture was anything to go on.

  Deep down, in that part of me that was being completely honest, I knew that stopping was the last thing I was going to do. I knew that this animation was going to end in a moment, and I was going to keep right on with this forbidden role-playing scenario. I was going to see where it led.

  The entire time I’d been idly running my fingers up and down my pussy. I was amazed at how incredible this felt just from my hand. My fingers were providing more intense stimulation than my plastic vibrating pal could ever hope to and it was all because of how turned on I was. It was all because of how incredibly hot I was because of Conlan, because of how great he was at this.

  It was a conundrum. I wasn’t the kind of girl who did this sort of thing. And yet for my sexy confident Conlan apparently I was.

  The animation finally came to an end and my character popped out at the top of a waterfall. Both of our characters splashed down in the water and he started advancing on me. I put my hands back on the keyboard and licked my lips in anticipation.

  The water was surprisingly warm as I splashed down into it. I swam for the surface and took in a deep breath. I looked at my surroundings and my mouth fell open. It was absolutely beautiful.

  Light streamed in from a wide cave opening about twenty feet away. It illuminated clear blue water with fish swimming by idly. I smiled as I moved my hand through the impossibly warm water. This kind of ocean life was a sharp contrast to
the stuff I usually saw which tended to be creatures with giant teeth intent on killing me.

  I turned away from the entrance to this little grotto and let out a surprised squeal. There was a very handsome, extremely sexy human barbarian with tousled wet hair who was advancing on me with an intense look on his face. A look that was similar to what Whitebeard had given me earlier, and yet it was different coming from him. It was a look that promised things that set my body on fire. Promised things that were turning me on so much as I tried to manipulate the keyboard and mouse with one hand while the other was down between my legs manipulating something else.

  In game I turned and started swimming towards the edge. Backed away from him, and yet he continued advancing. Inexorably. As he got closer I smiled. He looked me up and down and it sent a chill running through my body. It drove me wild with lust. I couldn’t believe a man could make me feel that way just from one look, but there it was.

  “We’re alive,” I said in a tone that said I couldn’t quite believe it. I looked him in the eyes. “And you were amazing back there.”

  He leaned in even closer. So close that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. I could feel his rock hard muscles. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to wrap my legs around him. God! What was it about this man, what was it about the way he could turn a phrase that made me weak in the knees? That made me want to violate every principle I had about role-playing to have a little fun with him?

  And yet I was willing him on. Secretly I was screaming in my head, begging him to make the move.

  I sighed as he leaned forward, as his lips made contact with mine. Holy shit! My arms wrapped around him, wrapped around that impossibly built torso. It was everything I’d imagined and more. It was so incredibly hot. I was done denying myself. I was done denying the world of pleasure that was opened to me by this forbidden experience with this incredibly talented writer, with this incredibly sexy human warrior.